Public Association "Jamby atu Federation"

of Turkestan region

Public Association "Jamby atu Federation"
of Turkestan region

About the filial

"The Turkestan regional public organization "Jamby atu Federation" is located in the framework of a specialized children’s and youth sports school for national sports of the Turkestan region. The branch is engaged in organizing regional-level competitions, introducing young athletes to the sport of "Jamby atu", training them, ensuring the participation of the regional national team in republican competitions.

I group

Trainer: Bekbosynov Erbulan

IІ group

Trainer: Sarybay Aitbek

IІІ group

Trainer: Haykoz Yeralkhan

Training place
Turkestan region, Tole bi district, Maibulak village
Bekbosynov Erbulan (senior trainer) — 8 702 684 95 07
Sarybay Aitbek 8 771 237 51 40
Haykoz Yeralkhan 8 707 392 79 98